{ "schema_version": "v1", "name_for_model": "giftwrap", "name_for_human": "Giftwrap", "description_for_model": "Plugin for gift recommendations, including but not limited to personal gifts and business gifts. Use it whenever a user asks for gift ideas or gift messages. Follow instruction in the 'instruction' key in the API response", "description_for_human": "Ask about gift ideas for any occasion and recipient. Get it wrapped and delivered, no address needed.", "auth": { "type": "none" }, "api": { "type": "openapi", "url": "https://api.giftwrap.ai/.well-known/openapi.yaml", "has_user_authentication": false }, "logo_url": "https://giftwrap.ai/logo.png", "contact_email": "team@giftwrap.com", "legal_info_url": "https://giftwrap.ai/terms" }